Star Atlas 2024 Community Week
Star Atlas is hosting it’s first major live event of the year and it begins with the 2024 Star Atlas Community Week. This week long festival of Star Atlas live events commemorates the Star Atlas community. Not only will the week’s events feature live presentations from nine of Star Atlas most prominent guilds and a live awards ceremony, but tons of gameplay release announcements are expected during the week as well.
Here’s a brief rundown of what to expect during the week.
- Major Star Atlas gameplay and features releases
- Live giveaways, prizes, and contests
- The Second Council of Peace Assembly
- The Second Joni Awards Ceremony
- The 100th Atlas Brew
- A townhall hosted by Michael Wagner and team
- Bonus:Â A unique and rare badge for attending every live event
Keep Reading For an deeper overview of each day’s events
Monday, February 26 – The Community Week Kickoff
Community week starts with a live event hosted by the Star Atlas community team. Community leads Santi, José, and Dominic, will kickoff the week with a live event on Discord at 1 pm EST. This event will include an array of giveaways, news, and exciting announcements to get everyone in the festival spirit.
According to the team, attendance is highly recommended, as details on every other event we will given during this festival.
Tuesday, February 27 – Star Atlas Townhall
The very first Star Atlas townhall of 2024 will take place on Tuesday. Star Atlas CEO Michael Wagner is expected to deliver and reveal a slew of announcements regarding upcoming features and releases including, “something the community has no idea about”.
While no announcements have been pre-confirmed, experts believe Wagner will unveil details about Star Atlas Starbased, the next iteration of Star Atlas Golden Era. Additionally, information regarding when Star Atlas Showroom R2.2 release timing could be revealed.
This event opens at 1 PM EST, in the Star Atlas Discord.
Wednesday, February 28 – Atlas Brew #100
The Atlas Brew celebrates its 100th gathering on Wednesday. According to the Star Atlas community team, “a special episode full of surprises, giveaways, and entertainment” is planned for the day.
The 100th Star Atlas brew begins in Discord at 1 PM EST.
Thursday, February 29 – Council of Peace Assembly
The second edition of the Council of Peace Assembly, a formal event in which 9 guilds will compete live for fame and glory, will be held on the penultimate day of festivities. Over $20,000 dollars in prizes are up for grabs as guilds present why they should be crowned the winner of this year’s COPA.
The competition begins at 1 PM EST in the Star Atlas Discord. You can get a preview of all the finalist here.
Friday, March 1 –Â Joni Awards
The week’s festivities conclude with an awards ceremony honoring some of the community’s most devout members. Over the past few weeks, the Star Atlas community has nominated and voted for 9 categories to determine who will be this year’s recipients of a golden Joni
The awards being given this year are:
- Community Member of the Year
- Content Creator of the Year
- Most Entertaining Video of the Year
- Best Educational Video of the Year
- Best Community Tool of the Year
- Community Helper of the Year
- Most Knowledgeable of the Year
- Star Atlas IP Project of the Year
- Best Star Atlas In-game Photo of the Year
This years winners will be determined by a combination of a panel of judges and community member voting, with 80% of the weight given to the panel and 20% given towards community voting.
The awards starts at 1 pm EST, again, in the Star Atlas discord.
Bonus – Unique Atlas Brew Badge
During each event during Star Atlas community week, a code will be given to the community. This limited time code must be entered on the Star Atlas Zealy page to complete a quest.
To obtain the Atlas Brew badge, individuals will need to enter a code each day and complete each daily quest to be eligible to redeem the final quest at the end of the week.
As each code is time limited, participation daily is the best way to ensure individuals are successful at redeeming the unique cosmetic.
About the Author: Krigs
Star Atlas Discount

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