Exploring Star Atlas Profitability: Score Vs Sage Showdown (Part 3)
“Star Atlas: Can Sage Labs Beat Score Faction Fleet? An Experiment”
Beyond the Horizon 2620 is set to discover if the Sage Labs platform can prove as profitable as the Score Faction Fleet. In this interesting experiment, BTH2620 aims to determine whether selling resources in the marketplace can yield as many Atlas tokens as leaving ships in the Faction Fleet with limited playtime.
BTH2620 takes into account the invaluable advice and feedback from the Star Atlas community. An impactful point was that using fewer, larger fleets could increase mining time and cargo capacity, potentially yielding up to six times more in Sage Labs than in Score. BTH2620 has since recalibrated his strategy, focusing on forming larger fleets and aiming to create a profit of 938 Atlas tokens per day.
After day one, BTH2620 managed a net profit of 971 Atlas, achieving their objective. Alongside selling hydrogen in the marketplace, lumanite became a resource focus due to its attractive market price. However, the inherent complexities of managing the gameplay and mining runs alongside daily work and personal commitments brought into question the sustainability of this daily profit model.
In the upcoming episodes, BTH2620 will explore Sly Groove, a community-developed project aimed at enhancing the Sage Labs experience. This platform enables varying gameplay styles and could prove better suited to those with limited computer time.
Stay tuned to discover how BTH2620 fares in his bid to maximize profits in the Star Atlas metaverse, examining every facet from fleet formation to resource gathering.
About the Author: Hologram News Network
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Amazing content, you really deserve credit for this. I'm in your exact situation, with time issues, and to me it looks the same, i can't really see how to make even 2X the atlas tokens with labs over score. If you could bring a sly guy it would be awesome! Let's see if it's a real thing 💪
Of course inscription made, you're the best!
Automation here we come… probably the reason the creators of Star Atlas are called Automata…
Thanks for your honest and clear response to community comments
Good video. 👍 I'm enjoying it.
Nice video, thanks for considering my comments and testing them. A couple of things I would add:
You didn't mention your Imp tips before, so my 6X number was based off not having them. They make a huge difference to Score costs.
Without the Tips I think you said you'd be making less than 300 per day from Score, at the end of the video you showed you'd made 971 profit. So that's 3X – but also remember you were active in Labs for maybe 4-6 hours, but you compared it to leaving ships in Score – where you're actively earning for 24 hrs.
Of course, time one is able to be active differs from one person to another.. Your upcoming video with SLY will show how it is possible to be active 24hrs per day in Labs.
Also, maybe consider a half and half approach. When you have time to actively play then use Labs, when you are at work put the ships back in Score.
Will mining ever be like elite dangerous as in third person view looking at object?
I did notice something that i quickly checked about income.
You used hydrogen as your example and said you get more after crafting into fuel, my quick calculations show you get about 10% more for fuel than raw hydrogen.
I guess this will depend on the day.
My thoughts are though, that if you only get 10% more after crafting (-7% crafting fee plus time penalty) that it may be an alternative to sell the hydrogen and use the ships that do the crafting in score, as they most likely will make up the 3% difference without having to worry about crafting. I don't know if this would apply to other raw materials, I am sure some spreadsheet master will be able to answer that or correct me if i have this wrong.
I like the detail in your Vids, and enjoy watching them.