Aephia Crowned As 2024 Star Atlas COPA Champions

By Published On: 29 February 2024Tags: , , , , , , ,

The second commencement of the 2024 Star Atlas Council of Peace Assembly has concluded and with it, Aephia has been crowned as the new champion of COPA.

For over three hours, 9 guilds from across the Star Atlas Metaverse competed via live presentations for the top spot in this year’s COPA matchup. Amongst the guild participants were”

Each guild was limited to a 10 minute presentation period followed by a 5 minute question and answer period from the panel of judges. Prominent members of the Star Atlas team were present including CEO Michael Wagner himself.

With over 400 community members in attendance, the Star Atlas team crowned a new champion for the Council of Peace Assembly.

Aephia Industries ultimately prevailed as the day’s champion with a presentation delivered by their Co-Founder Funcracker. Aephia’s presentation covered many of the tools and initiatives that Aephia has been developing over the past year and a half including Project Cataclysm, ALF, NANCY, and their Flipside Dashboard.

Following behind Aephia was Rome, who took second place. As the largest Oni guild, Rome’s presentation was given by Witticus as he covered the detailed structure and organizational hierarchy of Rome. Most known for their Metaverse Nomads weekly podcast show, Rome has built a sizeable community alongside partners like YGG and Solien DAO

Rounding out the top three, The Shadow Loyal took home third place. As the smallest guild of the podium finishers, Shadow Loyal’s presentation was given by guild leader Groove. The Shadow Loyal are best known for their committment to open source development and knowledge sharing, providing the community with one of the most well used tool, Sly Labs Assistant.

Each of the top 3 finishers took home a Tier 3, 2, and 1 Central Space Station habitat respectively, presumably of their preferred faction.

About the Author: Krigs

An ardent supporter of emerging technologies, Krigs has been covering blockchain games for over two years and believes passionately in their power to revolutionize our collective gaming experience.

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One Comment

  1. […] recognition of that unwavering commitment, the team saw fit to award us FIRST place in the COPA competition earlier this year! The Council of Peace Assembly (COPA) is a competition […]

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