Star Atlas Partners With Web3 Mogul Alex Becker, Neo Tokyo
Star Atlas CEO Michael Wagner, CFA joins the ranks of Web3 tycoon Alex Becker and Neo Tokyo Code in advancing the vision of the gaming metaverse.
Star Atlas, Michael Wagner Join Neo Tokyo Network
In a late night tweet announcement, Star Atlas CEO Michael Wagner announced that he had joined the Elite rank of Neo Tokyo Code opening a new partnership avenue between Star Atlas, Neo Tokyo Code, and Alex Becker.
What is Neo Tokyo Code and Who is Alex Becker?
According to their website, Neo Tokyo Code is “a collection of builders, developers, founders, and investors who strongly believe crypto gaming and metaverse experiences — all with the view that crypto gaming and metaverse experiences will take over and consume the world as we currently know it.
Our calling at Neo Tokyo is to prepare accordingly and be well positioned at the forefront of this revolution, once it inevitably arrives.”
Essentially Neo Tokyo Code is a membership networking group for high-value people in the Web3 industry who want to share and deliver value.
Alex Becker — Web3 Media Mogul and Tech Entrepreneur
The inclusion into Neo Tokyo Code grants Star Atlas unique and direct access to Alex Becker, a self described tech entrepreneur and CEO according to his LinkedIn profile.
According to Becker’s X profile, he has made “tens of millions” investing in crypto and other Web3 projects over the last several years. Becker maintains a large social media presence with over 1.3 million followers on YouTube, 900K followers on X, and another 20K followers on Instagram.
Star Atlas To Benefit Greatly From Marketing Exposure
This announcement came as a bit of a surprise to the Star Atlas community, and some were left wondering what the tangible benefit would be for the project. With such a large following around Becker and high-profile investors surrounding Neo Tokyo, Star Atlas is certain to tap into this larger network of serious Web3 backers.
Here’s what Michael Wagner had to say about the alliance:
Neo Tokyo provides a unique opportunity to collaborate with some of the brightest minds in web3. It’s a consortium of gamers, founders, and thought leaders, representing leadership across a broad range of sectors. Beyond the opportunities to form relationships with builders and players I see arising, I also anticipate this platform will enable us to reach a much wider audience with all of the [Star Atlas] development scheduled for release over the coming year.” — Michael Wagner, CEO, Star Atlas
In simpler terms, Star Atlas Community Manager Dominic Vain had this to say while addressing the Star Atlas Citizenry.
“Neo Tokyo is a project aiming to be an “Illuminati” of sorts in the web3 gaming space. They’re looking to be the big time investors into “Ready Player One” when it’s realized. It’s also ran by the 2 biggest web3 creators (EllioTrades and Alex Becker) Michael joining gets us access to a lot benefits within that community.” — Dominic Vain, Star Atlas Community Manager
Star Atlas Poised For Success in 2024
The recent networking partnership with Neo Tokyo Codes puts Star Atlas in a prime position for success in 2024. Star Atlas has recently seen major increases in community and player activity over the past month. Star Atlas tokens ATLAS and POLIS have seen increases in the fourth quarter up roughly 500% from their all-time lows this year.
Star Atlas also has a slew of events and releases planned for the remainder of 2023 and into 2024. These releases include:
- 3D versions of Sage Golden Era gameplay
- Unreal Engine 5 Release 2.1.9 Gameplay
- DAC (Guild) On-chain management system
- Mobile Companion App and Crew Management System
- Full integrated on-chain economy.
With the recent partnership now official, Star Atlas continues to prove itself as a top contender, innovator, and developer in the Web3 gaming space.
About the Author: Krigs
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