Star Atlas: Guardians of the Galaxy Joins ROME Bolstering Oni Faction
Press Release: Members of the group Guardians of the Galaxy join forces with ROME guild
As of today, the members of the Star Atlas group known collectively as the Guardians of the Galaxy have joined the Oni guild ROME. Raysius Veznuticus, also known as RayVezee, co-founder and Consul of ROME broke the news to the Hologram late Saturday. Signal, a member of Guardians of the Galaxy, confirmed the announcement and included the following comments:
“I’ve always been a huge fan and friend of ROME, most notably the Metaverse Nomads on my countless occasions hanging out with them. When the opportunity of working together with these amazing community members came up it was a no brainer. ROME is the best of the best, and represents the gold standard for large guilds. GOTG despite only being 4 members, brings a medium sized guilds assets along with mountains of political and community influence with it. ROME and ONI along with it has just evolved to its second form… Go ROME or go HOME.”
The four members of Guardians of the Galaxy, Signal, Bryan, Ghaz Outro, and Republic Music add a considerable amount of political influence and ship firepower to ROME’s already large domain. Collectively, its estimated that the Guardians bring an estimated 4 million Polis Voting Power to ROME along with their sizeable fleets; including several C11s and other Capital level ships.
When asked about their previous relationship with the Ustur faction, Signal stated that they “were all honestly just Ustur for random reasons”. Signal was previously a member of Dark Matter, an Ustur Pirate guild.
Ustur Faction Weakened, Priming Arms Race Between Oni and MUD
The departure of the Guardians from the Ustur faction almost certainly leaves the Ustur faction at a disadvantage. The Guardians arguably were a cornerstone of the faction and a strong deterrent against Oni and MUD aggressors. However, the power has now shifted towards Oni, making the Oni Consortium an early leader on the Galia stage. Galian diplomacy will now almost certainly revolve around interactions between the Oni and MUD factions with the respective communities, the Oni Consortium and MUD Empire. While both factions have not outwardly signaled an increase in hostilities towards one another, faction policies of Galian expansion will likely place each party on an intersection of conflict in the future.
About the Author: Krigs
Star Atlas Discount

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