Star Atlas Golden Ticket Raffle Offers Unique Opportunity at $1.35 Million In Prizes
Here are the best weeks to play Star Atlas Golden Ticket Raffle over the next few months and how to enter the $1.35 million dollar prize raffle.
Star Atlas Gives Away 1.35 Million in Prizes
Over the next 8 weeks,
 will hold 8 separate raffles to participants of their Golden Ticket Raffle Event.
Each week will feature a unique pool of prizes, with some prizes valued at over $100K each.
How To Get Golden Tickets
To enter, contestants must submit Golden Tickets into that week’s drawing to be eligible. The current drawing begins on Oct 27th and ends on Nov 3rd.
If you want to participate, but don’t have Golden Tickets, you can acquire them in one of two ways.
- Golden Tickets can be purchased on the Star Atlas marketplace.
- Alternatively, contestants can participate in Star Atlas SAGE Labs where players can earn materials and components through gameplay and craft Golden Tickets themselves. Star Atlas SAGE Labs requires Star Atlas assets to play.
How and Where to Enter Golden Tickets For Weekly Drawings
Once you’ve acquired some Golden Tickets, you must then head over to
’ Star Atlas Contest Page found here:
Alternatively, you can navigate to the website using Star Atlas guide.
- Connect your wallet
- Select the number of tickets you want to enter and hit submit.
At time of writing, over 107,000 Golden Tickets have been entered into the first week’s drawing.
Best Weeks To Play and Enter
From the chart below, you can see that there are differences in the prizes offered by Star Atlas each week. Some players may choose to spread out their entries every week while some may find specific weeks to enter. Keep reading below to find out some of the best weeks to enter into the drawing.

Best Overall Week — Week 1
Notably, Week 1 offers the largest prize pool in terms of dollar value. At the top of the prize pool for this week are 2 Fimbul BYOS Tankships which are some of the biggest and toughest ships in Star Atlas.
Week 1 also offers a chance at a Capital Vzus Ballad and a number of other prizes for contestants to claim.
Best Week For Housing — Week 3
Player housing is a highly sought after gameplay loop in many MMOs and Star Atlas is no exception. Especially if you consider that player housing on Central Space Stations is also limited in number.
Players looking to possibly win varying levels of player houses in Star Atlas should take a good look at what Week 3 has to offer.
Best Week For New Players — Week 5
By the initial looks of it, Week 5 doesn’t seem to offer much variety for contestants. However, this exact reason is why Week 5 might offer the best opportunity for smaller or newer players to win prizes.
Players with larger ticket pools will likely have focused their entries elsewhere making the overall potential odds for Week 5 appealing for some.
Wildcard — Week 8
There is little information about what prizes will rollout for Week 8, but knowing the Star Atlas community, it sure could be a good one.
Currently, transport and data runner ships are in high demand — this could turn into a ship drop of those types.
Alternatively, Star Atlas may include some never before released assets to cap off two months of prize giveaways.
About the Author: Hologram News Network
Star Atlas Discount

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