
Star Atlas Throwdown: Score VS Sage (Part 1)

Star Atlas Player Tests Earnings: Sage Labs vs. Faction Fleet

In a new video series by well-known Star Atlas content creator Beyond the Horizon 2620, a detailed exploration has been undertaken to determine whether playing the Sage Labs game yields more Atlas tokens than letting ships earn passive income in Faction Fleet.

The initiative was sparked following Star Atlas‘s design patch version 1.3, which reduced Faction Fleet emissions by 33% to support the health of Atlas. Part of this update also introduced Atlas emissions into the Sage Labs simulation, prompting Beyond the Horizon to question if it’s more rewarding to commit the time to Sage Labs or the Faction Fleet.

Faction Fleet, a feature well known to Star Atlas explorers, allows players to enlist their ships into a faction for daily rewards, provided they supply the required R4 resources to their ships. Before the recent patch, this was a highly profitable strategy for many.

However, with the introduction of Atlas earnings within Sage Labs, BTH 2620 has decided to investigate if more Atlas tokens can be earned in the game using his medium-sized fleet and personal playtime as a benchmark. For the series, the goal is to beat an earning of 562 Atlas tokens every day in Sage Labs.

Throughout these comparative tests, BTH will also cover updates within Sage Labs and showcase any new features and developments that have been introduced since his last episode.


About the Author: Hologram News Network

The Hologram is Star Atlas’ first and only independent news network. HNN's goal is to deliver the most trusted source of information about Star Atlas and be a voice for the whole community.Simultaneously, HNN seeks to enable community driven content creation by supporting and sponsoring emerging creators, writers, and community members.Readers can expect a high standard from our reporting and staff.

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  1. @user-jq5lu6mb7c 20 January 2024 at 00:03 - Reply

    Oh dang! This is gonna be a good series! I smashed the “like”!

  2. @user-tu8yq3wx7h 20 January 2024 at 00:04 - Reply

    I need this, I have been on the fence if I should take my ships out of score

  3. @TheCryptoCadet-sl7jo 20 January 2024 at 00:10 - Reply

    Nice work brotha! Gonna be a good one! That thumbnail is 🔥🔥🔥

  4. @dougphillups3344 20 January 2024 at 00:12 - Reply

    Haha, I can’t believe you used Salt N Peppa for your intro song 😂 my high school girlfriend played that all the time. (Back when they called,e Douggie Fresh) haha

  5. @martianhotbox7368 20 January 2024 at 06:05 - Reply

    Great idea for a series! Planning on moving my fleet out of SCORE soon so this is perfect timing. 🚀

  6. @intergalacticherald 20 January 2024 at 06:23 - Reply

    Great idea for a video series. Looking forward to seeing what you determine is the best results. I would suggest including some time calculations for playing SAGE too. Time is definitely a resource that is required in SAGE.

  7. @satoshimama1794 20 January 2024 at 07:24 - Reply

    Spoiler alert: SAGE Labs is WAAAAAY more lucrative than SCORE if you use Lab Assistant 😊

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