Star Atlas DAO Launches Treasury

By Published On: 2 March 2023Tags:

Feb 2, 2023 — Star Atlas has released details on its DAO Treasury revealing $1.69 million dollars in total value held by the treasury. The majority of that value is held in the $ATLAS currency with a balance sheet of 397.38 million tokens. The remaining portfolio consists of $131.8 thousand held in the $USDC stable coin.

The purpose of the Star Atlas treasury is to give Star Atlas citizens a transparent look into the DAO’s finances. Citizens can view the current balance of the DAO and historical revenue over the past 6 months.

Revenue Breakdown

Star Atlas DAO Treasury Breakdown Feb 2, 2023

This section shows the previous six months revenue for the Star Atlas DAO. DAO revenue streams consist of two categories, Game Activity and Marketplace Fees.

Game Activity

  • This section shows revenue earned from players participating in Faction Fleet. Specifically, the purchase of Food, Fuel, Ammunition and Toolkits from the Star Atlas NPC public wallet: NPCxfjPxh6pvRJbGbWZjxfkqWfGBvKkqPbtiJar3mom
  • Star Atlas help section also lists SAGE under Game Activity. This will likely come in the form of ATLAS sinks throughout the game.

Marketplace Fees

Galactic Marketplace fees for each transaction are transferred to a fees account: QYAaH3wjGUUQYD959mmi5pY8HSz3F5C3SVc1fp3 as part of the transaction.

One-third of the balance is sent to the DAO treasury account and the rest sent directly to ATMTA.

Asset Accounts

DAO Treasury Account DRGThVUMGEYcsoTERhmkFSa5q7HVjxBQdKwMNjyvehD1

This is the DAO’s primary public key. The assets in the DAO’s treasury are subject to management via the DAO’s governance processes.

NPC R4 Sales Account NPCxfjPxh6pvRJbGbWZjxfkqWfGBvKkqPbtiJar3mom

Faction Fleet Game Activity

Fees Account

This account is swept on a daily basis; this view shows the value of the DAO’s share of marketplace fees.

About the Author: Krigs

An ardent supporter of emerging technologies, Krigs has been covering blockchain games for over two years and believes passionately in their power to revolutionize our collective gaming experience.

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