Star Atlas: Comparing Lucrative Results of SCORE VS SAGE
Star Atlas ‘Score Versus Sage’ Episode 4 Features Sly Groove’s Lab Assistant
In the fourth episode of the popular ‘Score versus Sage’ series, the focus shifted to the community-made project ‘Lab Assistant’. The tool has been meticulously crafted by Sly Groove and his guildmates from the Shadow Loyal Guild. The episode detailed its various intricacies and subsequently, how it can assist players.
The episode’s host shared his experience of just barely outperforming the score by using Sage. However, he emphatically clarified that this does not render Sage ineffective but was a result of his play style that day. He expressed his intent to try different tactics and utilize various community tools to win by a larger margin next time.
Sly Groove’s ‘Lab Assistant’ came around as one of the most recommended tools for easing the gaming experience in Star Atlas. Sly Groove himself had introduced the tool to the Star Atlas community in a previous Atlas Brew number 90 recording. The tool was praised for its abilities to set up gaming loops for scanning, transporting, and mining.
Those interested in applying the tool will find an easy-to-follow guide by Satoshi Mama to install the Lab Assistant. It involves installing TamperMonkey and downloading the Lab Assistant from GitHub. However, players are reminded that their fleets need to be undocked before running Lab Assistant.
The episode concluded with an open invitation to players with unique ideas that can benefit the community to share their thoughts. The host also suggested a charitable act of periodically contributing a little something for Sly Groove and his team for their altruistic creation.
About the Author: Hologram News Network
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Wow! I also had trouble downloading this plug in. Thank you Satoshimama! Thanks BTH!
Awesome! Hats off to both of you! Very helpful
I have soo much love for Satoshimama ❤ one of the most helpful, supportive and encouraging community members out there 🫶
Absolutely 🔥
I will post this video on twitter and I hope I can drive more people to check out your next episodes. Thank you for your dedication, great series, thank you SatoshiMamma 🙏
Nice one. Great plugin, thanks guys!
What she means with "I'm the owner and the contractor at 13:11?
Seems like a very important step to take but I don't really get it. Is there something to write down manually?