Our vision is to create a gameplay for our community members that enables a play and earn structure and achieving dominance to have a voice in the universe, creating a difference in it. WE ARE COEXIANS!
First ever COPA champions!
Coexist, in its dictionary definition, means “individuals and communities who come together for common purposes, setting common goals and living in harmony.” In addition, it also carries the meaning of “existing together.” Isn’t it a beautiful name to describe a guild?
Guild Coexist signifies an organization where players of all kinds, without discrimination, and those who wish to be a part of us while accepting our ethical rules, can come together democratically under one roof. Our guild is capable of bringing together dedicated PvE and PvP players, RP enthusiasts, as well as casual or social players with less time, all under a common denominator.
For years, Coexist, a Turkish Gaming Guild, has been established by individuals who have been playing MMOs, aiming to play games in a respectful and enjoyable environment, achieve end-game content successes, and experience all the content games offer. (Founded under the name Coexist in 2007) It is built on the foundations of respect, harmony, loyalty, permanence, tolerance, and fun. Guild members truly embrace the environment they are in, strive not to lose it, work to protect and enhance its name, and act responsibly both internally and externally. If the members act in a responsible manner towards both the guild and the surrounding environment, both the guild itself and its members benefit, and that is our expectation from our members. Under the umbrella of Guild Coexist, in addition to the significant and memorable achievements we have obtained in games such as WoW, SWTOR, RIFT, GW2, WILDSTAR, and FFXIV; we have had server-firsts in many games we played with our friend groups without forming a guild (lotro, aion, aoc) and enjoyed times filled with fun and diverse accomplishments. To add a new achievement to these successes, we have come together again on the Star Atlas platform.
Those who want to create a brand new story in the metaverse, share our past experiences, and contribute to our struggle for universal peace, listen to our Star Atlas story as well… COEXIST LORE Everything began by encouraging the ones presumed as Lord for them to get beyond the limits. By the beginning of 21st century, the wise groups in the world anticipated that “if living in this manner is pursued, two earths will be required by year 2050 in order to meet the food, water and energy requirements of the humanity”. But threat of humanity against the nature has not come to an end due to over-lavish living habit. Humanity, that consumes 1.6 times the natural resources provided by the earth each year, extinguished 60% of 14 thousand vertebrates only in the recent 3 decades. And nearly all the resources have been annihilated, or have fell into the hands of oligarchs. In the earth, where the hosted living beings were on the verge of extinction, the humanity had no chance other than sheltering.
But that wasn’t enough for the continuity of life. The help expected by the humanity arrived at the point of shattering of hopes. A being, that was shining like the sun, and that ones seeing it were unable to take their eyes off it due to its amorphous form and halation, was found by a shepherd at the steppes of Anatolia. It wasn’t known from where it came, or who brought it. That being, which took its place in the agenda of the whole world in a short while by the shock it created, was in need of communicating with the humanity. Initially, the Russians commenced the efforts of examination and even communication. But the magnitude of the message it conveyed, and difficulty of its interpretation necessitated the formation of a consortium covering all the developed countries. After years of dedicated effort, the initial deciphered text revealed to humanity that it stood on the brink of a new threshold. “The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep! You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep! People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don’t go back to sleep!” This text decrypted is a phrase of Rumi, which has been echoing for centuries in the world, and its message is very strong. In the message, the Divine Being was considering the humanity’s illusion of being in the progress of development for thousands of years like a sleep that is actually taking them to extinction. It was telling the humanity that it was ready for responding their questions, and that they should be ready for opening the doors of other worlds. It had one request: Beware of going back to sleep! Bringing the message on a workpiece, that became a cult in the world culture, was actually nothing but a trap set against the humanity by the intelligence of extraterrestrials. As the incapable humanity deifies everything that it cannot interpret, they could place this being, which was referring of taking the humanity to unknown, which was easily defining the borders of universe, and which was beyond ordinary with its shape in light form, only at one seat: The Lord!!!
Through centuries of collaborative research, humanity gradually unveiled the mysteries of dawn, guided by its newfound leader. Journeying through newly opened doors, they encountered extraterrestrial beings and discovered novel realms of existence. But the point that surprised them the most was the reality that the Divine being, which they had deemed as savior for centuries, and for which they had made vows, was actually a light alien from Photoli race. And it had a planet where millions of “Lords!” were living. Just like each alien on that planet, where the lords were living, it also had a name: Ahr. Even if Ahr seemed like the savior of humanity by the power of the shock and illusion it created on them, it had many intentions in its secret agenda such as finding followers for the space religion it would create, looting the blue planet, and conquering the blue planet after moving the humanity away from their eternal residence. The time kept on in the direction of the requirements of both parties. As the humanity found the opportunity of founding new colonies far from the planet they consumed, the aliens began to fill the places becoming vacant. Years taught the humanity to realize the fractions in the universe, and to parse them out. They called the fraction, which they found and where they continued to spread, as MUD. The fraction where only humans were living. They named the fraction hosting the aliens as ONI, and the fraction hosting the robots as USTUR.
Just like the creation, and inclusion in the game, of USTUR by the aliens, “The Story of Now” begins just at this point in this large universe where the aliens also included the humanity by a small interference. Because if you are in desire of stealing a role from the Lord, you have to be ready for having a dialogue with the demon! In fact, while the public of ONI believed in the abundance of rivalry and vastness, they became obliged to fight first against the power they created, and then against the greed of ones they invited. The huge disaster following the de-orbiting of Iris, that became famous as the bandit planet, caused destruction of seven other small planets along with Iris. The justice of the universe punished the bad. The collision of Iris and other seven planets at a far end of the space caused such a great energy release that the arising free energy turned to a great treasure for the remaining ones. Following the great disaster, the detection of the wreck by a simple space discoverer caused a spark that would be the salvation of all the publics. He formed a gigantic databank by searching the whole wreck. The discoverer, instead of owning such a great treasure, decided to sell the databank formed to all three races. All the fractions and races, after having the data block indicating the road map of that free energy form, commenced a rivalry for settling at the area. Unfortunately, none of the races was intending to abide by any rule in such rivalry. The humans were whipping their desires for developing more, the Usturians were whipping their desires for closing their energy deficit, and Onians were whipping their desires for carrying their civilization back to its days of dominance. Unlimited demand for scarce resources first caused disputes, which was the most innocent of all, and then conflicts. When the conflicts turned to fights, and fights to wars, many souls started to dissipate in large numbers. The curse of Iris, punished by the universe, turned to a black hole absorbing the whole universe. Such relentless wars arose amidst races and planets, a dust cloud was hardly remaining after the perishing lives and even planets. The vanishing of archaic civilizations into the blue was not lasting more than minutes.
The Sogmian race from Onians was also amid the ones facing that relentless end. The wars reduced the lineage of the race to the point of depletion. The main devastating strike against the Sogmians, that continued to resist even when thousands remained from millions, was the murder of their leader Paizul, the most powerful female of the planet. That murder against the load-bearing column of their civilization was enough for spreading fear in the souls of all Sogmians. Except one! The warrior Bekalu who fell in love with her in the mids of an ionic storm. Bekalu spent days for keeping his promise of revenge that he gave while he was sinking on his knees before the body of his lover. He built a colossus that would end all the wars, and he created a gigantic warship that would force his race, and even all the races, for peace. The whole universe, and the colossus rank that became a myth named that warship the Sogmian Giant. It was much bigger and much powerful than any other they had until that time. The dominant races were then the prey of Sogmian Giant at hunting grounds. The whole universe, and the colossus that became a myth named that warship the Sogmian Giant. It was much bigger and much powerful than any other they had until that time.
The dominant races were then the prey of Sogmian Giant at hunting grounds. By means of that warship, that turned to a futuristic reflection of “Gambot Diplomacy”, used in ancient ages by the humans, the Sogmians were able to have their requests accepted by sending the Sogmian Giant close to the relevant planets or races. And Bekalu decided to use his power on other races in order to ensure Galactic Peace. In the arms of the giant he had, in order to have the leaders participate in peace negotiations, he sent an invitation, one that they would fear from saying no. Armieldr, Bekalu and Charon, the leaders of three races who met on the bridge of Sogmian Giant, signed a text accepting the following, and made peace dominant in the universe; Ø Establishment of Galactic Peace Council (GPC), Ø Explicit sharing of all the scanned space data on a blockchain through galaxies that would operate with the speed of light, Ø Inclusion of especially the fleet movements, installations and resource discoveries in the data. By means of joint data sharing and war forces under control, all three races were then developing proportionally, and having the resources equally. Now, in year 2620, when a peaceful trade era began 600 years after the first contact with humanity, the Onians are giving a peaceful dominance battle in the universe in the guidance of their ancient past along with the ones they created and invited. We, Coexist of ONI faction formed by brave hearts come together to be a strong link for our faction. In order to be stronger, and in order to exist together. Our purpose is to be able to ensure the continuity of our development by making the peace and order permanent in the galaxy. We are in a continuous struggle along with our friends, and even with our enemies, who now that we may use our reserved power when required for preserving peace, in order to ensure the continuity of life forms in the vast universe.
By means of our technology arising from the eagerness to work of our public, protected by our fleets adorned with courage and heroism, and fed by our production and economy, we are continually working for new discoveries, new inventions. By the hope of ensuring galactic peace and order, we are decisive in not delivering the power to the hands of dark, and in spreading our light to the most remote corners of this universe where cruelty prevails. “If you are heading beyond the horizon, you have to be used to the cold breath of danger. Don’t be afraid of getting cold by it, if you deem it as a warning that will bind you to life, you can go back to your dreams.”
If you want to participate in our eagerness and vision, join us, and may the force be with you.
About the Author: Hologram News Network
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[…] Winner: COEXIST […]
[…] from an initial pool of over 20 applicants. Notably, the previous COPA’s winners (The Club, Coexist, and Dark Matter ) did not make the final round this year despite remaining active within the Star […]