Red Moon Gala

Valannia: The Red Moon Gala Recap

By Published On: 9 July 2024Tags:

Valannia hosted its inaugural Red Moon Gala on June 28th and the announcements and alpha did not disappoint. Dubbed a “Valannia mega event”, the Red Moon Gala featured a number of sneak peeks, work in progress updates, and a ton of alpha which we’ve got covered for you.

Red Moon Gala Overview

  • Valannia Website Updates and Mobile App
  • Valannia Gateway launch
  • Valannia Arena Updates
  • Guild Registration and Valannia Scrolls
  • Dawn of Adventure Release
  • Valannia Realms Announcement
  • New NFT Pets
  • Major Economic Announcements
  • Valannia Universe

Valannia Website Updates and Mobile App

Manu introduced the 2.0 version of the Valannia website and marketplace. This update will include a more user-friendly marketplace and more ways to connect wallets.

Manu also announced that a mobile version of the Valannia marketplace has also been released.

Re-introducing Valannia Gateway Referral System

Rounding our his updates, Manu re-announced the Valannia referral system. The referral system had been launched previously, but due to development issues, required several updates before being implemented.

Users can create referral codes that other users can use in the marketplace. When a user makes a purchase using a referral code, a percentage of the purchase will be deposited in the referring user’s Valannia account. Users can create a referral link at

Valannia Arena Updates (Manu Wins)

Valannia Arena, the first game module developed for Valania, is nearing completion. An alpha version of the game will be available to Valannian Ring holders at the end of Q3. Valannia Arena is a competitive multiplayer game where players control heroes and combat units.

There will be a competitive circuit for Valannia Arena which will feature prizes and rewards for top players

Guilds and Guild Scrolls

Valannia Guilds

Valannia Guilds

A long teased rollout has been finally revealed to Valannia — Valannian Race Scrolls and Guild registries.

By the end of next week, guilds will be able to register their guild on the Valannia website. The guild app will allow guilds to set a number of registries, permissions, and taxes for its members.

Additionally, the Valannian Race Scrolls are now live on the Valannia marketplace. These scrolls offer unique benefits to guilds including mystic land.


The Power Scrolls

The Power Scrolls

The scrolls of the 8 races of Valannia offer:

  • All units of the race at a 50% discount, including a colossus of the race.
  • 1x Banner of Conquest, which is used to claim territories.
  • Special cosmetics.
  • A mythic land of the chosen race in the capital of the scroll’s race. This is the only way to purchase a mythic land in Valannia.

The team also announced a secret 9th scroll for the Quemzi. The Quemzi is a race belonging to Kurangi for you lore lovers. The Quemzi scroll features the same benefits of race scrolls except for two changes.

Instead of receiving all combat units for 1 race, the Quemzi scroll will confer 1 colossus unit from each race. Additionally, instead of the mystic land belonging to the race capital, the Quemzi mystic land will be in Eldorath neutral territory.

Dawn of Adventure Release

Dawn of Adventure, the anticipated initial staking mechanism for Valannia, will release next week. In Dawn of Adventure, players will take their heroes and send them on missions to claim gems and rewards.

These gems will have future uses in Valannia Realms: Crafting, formerly Dawn of Adventure: Crafting, where players will use them for a number of crafting recipes and other gameplay mechanics to be revealed.

Players will need a minimum of one hero to participate in Dawn of Adventure, they toughest mission will require two heroes.

Valannia Realms, Conquest, and New Horizons

Valannia Map

Valannia Map

Formerly known as Dawn of Adventure: Crafting, the team has evolved the scope of their base product to include a full-scale map strategy game where players will move heroes across the map to claim resources, territory, and compete with other guilds and players.

Future iterations of Valannia Realms, titled Conquest and New Horizons, will introduce new units and structures to Valannia including Castles, Citadels, Walls, and new combat units to the game.

Valannia Realms will also feature potential resource and combat unit loss in certain areas.

Valannia Realms is expected to launch in Winter 2024.


Valannia Realms Eldorath

Valannia Realms Eldorath

New Valannia Pet NFTs

Four new NFT pets are being released and provide unique buffs to players. These pets are purchased using Engagement points earned by interacting with Valannia social media. These pets can be purchased directly within the Valannia Discord Channel and can only be claimed via engagement points.

The four initial pets are

  • Common Blaba gab — HP Buff
  • Uncommon Kibble — HP Buff
  • Rare Nyxu — Power Buff
  • Mythic Dragivan — Speed Boost and Discord Level XP Boost
Valannia Pets

Valannia Pets

Tavern Brawl

Community Lead Aaron also introduced a new Discord activity titled Tavern Brawl where players can use their engagement points for a feast or fight.


Major Economic Updates

Eric Vermillion a.k.a VermDragon took the stage to announce significant changes to the near term Valannia ecosystem. These changes were implemented to ensure that current users and items retained their inherent value, proving the Valannia economy to be a sustainable model for the future.

Valannian Rings Update — There will always be 200 Valannian Rings, however 58 rings were not sold. Determining what to do with them proved a topic of debate and it was ultimately decided that they would be given away as gameplay rewards.

  • 3 to Dawn of Adventures
  • 5 to Valannia Arena
  • 10 to Valannia Realms
  • 40 released through a blind bid system to be released over the next 5 years, approximately 4 every 6 months.

Valannia Heroes Change — Of the original 4000 origin heroes listed, 1600 were sold. The team ultimately decided to reduce the number of heroes to 2000 and place the unbought 2000 in the Eldorath Vault. As the game population continues to grow, heroes will be released to meet demand.

Valannia Arena Competitive Circuit will feature economic rewards that will feature a free to play model. However, rewards in Valannia Arena will be commensurate with players owning heroes, thus to earn greater rewards, players will need to own heroes.

Future rewards to be offered are Valannia tokens, skins, and other items that can be used in the Valannia ecosystem

Valannia Realms Economic Ecosystem — Armor, castles, and combat units will potentially be craftable. Time, effort, and collaboration will be required for Valannia Realms.

Valannia tokens will be used as a form of currency in Realms including usage in building upgrades, technological advancements, and political developments.

Eric noted that Heroes will not be craftable.

Red Moon Gala Keepsake

The team announced a special giveaway for Red Moon Gala attendees. Attendees must complete a few steps in Zealy in order to claim the pendant. The quest is only available for 12 hours from the event.

Valannia Universe

Towards the end of the Gala, CEO Khal touched on how the vision of Valannia remains on pace and that the development of products like Valannia Realms, Arena, and World are all part of a shared interoperable ecosystem dubbed Valannia Universe

Given that different players prefer different game genres, Valannia offers the opportunity for all players to find value in Valannia. What more, players will be able to take assets from one Valannia product to the next, whether it be Realms, Arena, or World.


The Red Moon Gala was jam packed with tons of information and shows just how much the Valannia team has put together in just under a year.

The event production was fine tuned and features several ambiance touches including themed music, cinematics, and lore to bring audience members into the fold.

The Red Moon Gala will become a special event with unique collectibles to be earned at each one. If you missed the 1 hour long event, be sure to watch it in full!

About the Author: Krigs

An ardent supporter of emerging technologies, Krigs has been covering blockchain games for over two years and believes passionately in their power to revolutionize our collective gaming experience.

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